why no to complain !

If we love someone, if we want someone in our lives, if that person is very important for us than why do we always choose to be silent?
Choose not to complain?
We all know that silence is the most dangerous thing, it has all the ginger to make a relationship weak!
We always get offended by those person who matters to us and chooses not to say anything to them because we think that by saying nothing would help us but not even realizing that, that silence is working like the poison in our heart for those person. It just builds the wall between that bond. And when we finally get to realize  that it is not helping us it is not helping any of us and then we will get to know" this remedy becomes the poison for us".!
we just lost it.
At that time we realize that
By being silent we are not saving anything basically by being silent and not complaining about our resentments we are just demolishing that bond.
Silence only works when we choose to be silent in front of the right person but we just got so much involve in our resentments and got confused in finding the actual situation of being silent and complaining because silence is the only option in our resentments than saying something wrong but we need to understand that it only works for some time, only till then it is not Becoming the "cause except the cure"!
We need to save those important bonds by choosing the right option because for saving those bonds we only need to focus on those bonds.
 Because at that time" ego takes place in our open hearts"
We need to tackle it! We need to choose the important part of our life except for that "ego thing"
We need to complain if there is any complaint. Because it never works against us if we are opening up in front of the right person at least it gives us the "relief ".

 Because by not complaining sometimes "time chooses to snatch those person from us" And the only thing left with us is just the" regret". And trust me "regret is the worst devil"
Don't let it hunt us .! 
And if we are wrong if there is our mistake than say those three magical words which have the power to fix any broken heart any broken bond. Which is going to fall apart because of our not accepting. 
We need to Speak it up... For our happiness. For our sake for that relationship which we love!.
Because" we are the protector of everything which happens against us which works against us ".

 And if by complaining we are not getting that satisfaction from those person, that satisfying reply from those person then also it is fine because at least we get to realize that only that bond is important to us not to anybody else and then we feel proud by knowing that thing and saving us from further heartbreaks because "sooner is better than later" And also by that at least we didn't get to face that hunt of regret.

“Let today be the day you stop being haunted by the ghost of yesterday. ..."
Pallavi singh. 


Mayank Bansal said…
Damn!You play with words😍🔥
Daddy said…
Daddy said…
Unknown said…
pleasant ♥️
Unknown said…
so glad you are here😘
Unknown said…
very interesting , good job and thanks for sharing such a good blog.👌
Unknown said…
Interesting stuff to read. Keep it up

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