Flaws and the freedom!

I laid down on my floor and started crying.
I coverd my face and getting realised...
I asked myself - "I really deserved all this, right!"
And my soul replied "they all are cruel they just want us to fight "!!
I said to her that why should we fight.. And she replied, look at you, you are horrified!..
No no no, I m not horrified and she smiled and said to me  then wipe your face and just coerced yourself to give me a smile!.
They are trying to put us in a cage where we both gonna die by  fighting with each other we will both gonna cry. 

This is the conversation Of body and a soul of that person who just feel humiliation in every filed , in every direction, in every corner and each wall where that body lied they all are hearing that whispering.. But they won't able to stop her cry.. 
They both just wanted to live a happy life but  we people what we do tell me! We made this so hard for them to live every second of  life.
We don't realise it because we feel happy by poke fun at them because we never listened to those conversations of them because we were busy in roasting them, just finding our ways to laugh and this is the easiest way to laugh to enjoy or "to earn'!!? Am I right..?
They both are trying to make it to the shore
And we are busy in coerced them in this society name "bog"!!

"They both are looking for hope in the sky and waiting that it might gonna whisper through in their eye! "
Because this bog is just humiliating them and just reflecting their flaws in the mirror of this bog fake life...
We always made fun of people inadequateness because we think that this is  normal, those paucity is made for them because they deserved to be humiliated. We think and just proudly decide to make fun of them just for getting attention and importance and never think that because of our this  move how much they gonna suffer.
They won't able to talk to anybody because they think everybody is gonna make fun of them, if they are gonna share their feelings with anybody and they are right, aren't they?
Because we are like this we can do anything for hiding our flaws we can make  their flaws as the highlight and when someone gonna raise questions then we say" this is just for fun, grow up ,it is just for fun if you can't handle this then don't see it or listen to it"! These are our lines sometimes much rude.. Because inside us we know that this is wrong but just for not realising our mistake then we say these lines. No matter to whom you are poking and making fun either it is your foe ,your friend or an unknown but we need to think that,  foe has their own life they will never gonna say those things which they feel inside but as a human it is our loyalty to understand this fun is one thing and people's feelings are different thing they are already fighting with their Inadequateness   but we don't realise it because we are busy in roasting them for our benefits or just for fun!!
We need to stop this because we don't know from what one  is going through nobody gonna tell us because of our this behavior , this habit. It doesn't matter how much we worship God or do donation or take stands for something it doesn't ,untill we just don't think about those people who are getting humiliated by us. These things doesn't gonna matter and never gonna give us that satisfaction because no matter how much we tell ourself that this is just for fun but inside we all know that this is wrong.. Everybody deserve to be respected and live freely
Let them accept themselves!!
If you just can't help them don't make it hard for us also..! We are dealing with a alot. Don't you dare to try to brake us.
Because those inadequateness is the real beauty which God gives all of us, those are not cruelty which happened to us or you those are the difference which God created to make every single person beautiful  in their own manner.. !!!
I can't think of any better representation of beauty than someone who is not afraid to be who they are... Flaunt yourselves... Those Paucity are the props, use them..
Respect other's feelings because we are here to help each other not to just put each other down.. https://pin.it/5KZNLh9
 “I am no bird; and no net ensnares me: I am a free human being with an independent will.” “I, myself, am made entirely of flaws, stitched together with good intentions.” “I am not an angel,' I asserted; 'and I will not be one till I die: I will be myself.

Pallavi singh.


Mayank Bansal said…
In love with your blogs♥️😍
Anonymous said…
Love the way you write❤️✌️

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