I am human because of my nature not because of my GENDER!

If you dont want to be compare then why are you comparing  ,
If you are not like others then why are you saying this to others.. 
If all boys are not same 
Then who said that every girl is same? 
If you are not the guy who disrespect, then who said that all girls are just put blames to take attentions. 
By saying this to those who are really suffering from Something  and that their allegations are wrong who gave you this right. 
Just because of one, you can't neglect every allegations which an inocent puts on some one.. 
If we are understanding this that the guy who do domestic violence and the guy who is heart broken are not same.. Then
You just can't compare one girl who slaps and one girl who is suffering from slaps.. 
If some of you are inocent then some of we are also. . 
"We all came from the womb of women and she manifest herself in front of us as our mother! "
Is she also the same because "her gender is also female! "
This hatred of gender is on peak now! We are meant to respect each other to support each other not to put blames on each other. 
We share so many bonds with each other some of those bonds are like brother-sister, some are friends with each other. 
 we fight! I get it but we still never compare each other. 
I am taking one step from my side my FRIEND!! Are you ready to take another one ? 
Stop making fun of each other ! Stop hating each other! 
We need to  fight for each other, not with each other! We need to stand with each other against the crime , not in front of each other because of the gender of crime! 
Some are really sufring from this hatred of gender  So, they started puting lock on" that gender! "
"Judge the person inside that gender , not the person through their gender! "

Pallavi singh. 


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